What leads a person to pursue a motorcycling hobby? Is it all about the “need for speed”? What about the “open-air” element?

Those are just two components that compose the comprehensive psychology of motorcycle riding. There are other reasons, which we’ll explore in this brief article, covering the fascinating why for cycling enthusiasts.

Uninhibited Open-Road Freedom - We know this is likely the top benefit for many riders. Motorcycling is not something you relegate to driving through urban traffic, nor is it solely for grabbing groceries. The true triumph of the cyclist comes from tearing up the open roads at high speeds, preferably without excessive highway congestion. 

Opportunity for Mindful Relaxation - Picking up right off the last point, we find that motorcycle riding is an ideal way to blow off steam, escape the world, relax, and maybe even meditate while riding. Of course, this doesn’t mean riders get to drift off into “la la land,” since you still have to focus intently on driving. Many riders notice, however, that engaging with the road, along with everything you feel while driving, can help bolster concentration, relaxation, and mindfulness.

Fun with Fellow Bikers - It’s also a great way to bond with others since riding can be a collaborative activity. Normally, the riding experience coincides with the chance to meet, socialize, travel, and camp with other like-minded folks.

Thrill, Challenge, & Adventure - Motorcycle riding is not always easy, either. Anyone who’s rode through hot, humid, or windy conditions can attest to the challenge. While you should avoid riding during extreme weather, there’s nothing wrong with challenging yourself to something physically demanding when it's warmer outside. This is perhaps most true if you take advantage of the next point . . .

Connecting with Nature - Have you ever had the chance to motorcycle across the country? If not, then you’re missing out on many scenic vistas all throughout the United States. Florida, for its part, has awesome coastal highways, allowing you to soak up the sunny atmosphere while only within earshot of the beach. If you head westward, there’s even more to see from one’s motorcycle, including the Colorado Rockies, Glacier National Park, the Mojave Desert, and countless other fantastic sites. Sure, you can do much of this from a car, but nothing beats that open-air experience of a motorcycle.

Those are a few wonderful advantages to riding a motorcycle. We’re sure you have quite a few more you could add to the list.

Don’t forget that if you’d like to get your motorcycle ready for the road, then Hap’s Cycle Sales can’t wait to help. We’re Sarasota’s resident experts and furnishers of motorcycles, bicycles, and more. Call us anytime to schedule service or learn about our product inventory at 941-365-3443.