Ensuring Motorcycle Safety Around Sarasota

Aug. 16 2023 Miscellaneous By Hap's Cycle Sales

It’s essential for new bikers to comprehend the rules of the road and master safe driving habits before hitting the roads and highways. Motorcycles comprise a disproportionate volume of traffic accidents, but it does not have to be this way if you use proper precautions.

Beginner Biker Safety Advice

Perform an Inspection Before Riding - Smart bikers know to check their bike often before going anywhere with it. This involves inspecting the tire levels, tire tread, lights, brakes, fuel level, oil level, and other essential components.

Gather All the Right Gear - You don’t ride motorcycles with flip-flops, shorts, or without a helmet. If you do, then your chances of experiencing painful road rash increase dramatically. Always make sure you have a reliable helmet (with an adjustable visor), jacket, gloves, riding pants, and boots.

Maintain Vigilance on the Road - It’s true that most of the accident scenarios (involving motorcycles) are the fault of other drivers who don’t pay attention to cyclists. However, responsible riders can minimize this problem by being more vigilant than others. Some of those t-bone accidents at busy intersections, which don’t bode well for bikers, are preventable if you keep your eyes peeled before entering. Either way, you look at it, cyclists cannot afford to get tunnel vision since the chance of deadly or injurious accidents is higher than for other vehicles.

Know the Relevant Driving Laws - Ignorance is no excuse for violating the laws, especially since they aren’t that complicated. Yes, this will vary depending on your location (Florida might differ from Georgia, for instance). Ideally, you would master these rules of the road during a motorcycle training course, which is another great idea for safety-conscience drivers.

Make Yourself Noticeable - There are plenty of simple ways to do this, like ensuring that your headlights are on as soon as you encounter rain or sundown. We also recommend avoiding the “blind spots” of other drivers as it’s already easy for them not to notice smaller vehicles around them. You can even take extra precautions by adding more reflectors or riding with a reflective vest.

We hope this helps you remain safe and confident while riding around beautiful Sarasota. Don’t forget that you can always shop with us to find all the important parts and accessories, along with an array of fantastic motorcycles, such as our premium BMWs.

Hap’s Cycles Sales is the best place in town for motorcycles, bicycles, and more. If it’s a high-quality ride, on two wheels, then chances are we have it. Call us anytime to learn more about beginner biker safety and everything else we offer at 941-365-3443 or come buy and see us at